Can Sports Save Small Colleges?

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SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 | written by STEVE ULRICH

433 schools, 44 conferences, 195,000 students participating in athletics
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1. Can Sports Save Small Colleges?

by Aaron Basko

The world of big-time sports, however, is worlds away from the experience of many college athletes, especially those in the NCAA’s Division III programs. Division III athletes make up 40 percent of all college athletes spread across more than 400 institutions. These member institutions vary dramatically in size, from under 300 students to over 25,000. Eighty percent of colleges in Division III are private. Perhaps most importantly, these colleges do not provide athletic scholarships.

Picture the scene at my institution, the University of Lynchburg, where our baseball team just won the Division III College World Series. The players arrive back on campus with a police escort and ring the victory bell at our bell tower. They receive no scholarships, no financial perks, no special treatment in the classroom, no priority in getting schedules, and no exposure from televised games. What they do receive, however, is a chance to achieve greatness, and the opportunity to make the sport they love a part of their college experience.”

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